MY « CREDO » 1

My personal artistic inspiration finds his territory into human state of mind and from the emotions created by it; as well as into the stages of the cycle of life.

A deep question about the all universe philosophy of macrocosm and microcosm conception. The artistic movement while I create became a reason of performing and bring me to face a kind of psychanalytic questions                Why we do create?

Based on the studies of Ehrenzweig Anton and his book « The Hidden Order of Art ».

Black ink, water, big size roll of paper together with my body are the instruments I prefer to use, expressing my feelings during my very private sequence of steps, that compose my artistic researches.

While performing I create big size circle drawings, that brings me to appreciate this facing within my body and the shape created by myself.

Using my body performing on big size paper helps me in order to express my irrational and syncretic feelings stocked into my childhood unconscious memories. To create something = re-create the inner-self.

My own sculptures creations are the most of the time made by White or Black Polyvinyl Folio, or Water-Color paper.

This personal way of using a mix between, natural and synthetic pigments, my body, Black Ink, support me to brings to life a very personal kind of Writings, Drawings, Performances, Installations or Sculptures.

MY « CREDO » 2


All human’s experiences are unique and mystically connected between them, in order to bring to a brand-new way of looking at our life’s time and a better way to knowledge our human feelings.

This dialogue it’s the main ingredient to me in art, and daily life as well questioning myself about: «WHY I/(we) DO CREATE”.